News Express Planet


Recommendations for Drug Treatment of 130/80 (Normal) Blood Pressure Are Not Good

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates “Let the buyer beware” might be a better slogan than “Ask your doctor.”   “Six facts should caution patients re new ‘guidelines’ for

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Hawking Calls for Space Travel to Escape Earth; Daniel’s Prophecy of End-Times Are Half Fulfilled

If we have most of the things that money can buy, we should check to be sure we’re not missing those things that money can’t buy. The signs of the

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Amazing Facts Support the Existence of God, Says Scientist

“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility.” Einstein Intelligent Design and Complexity of Life Systems Beg the Impossibility

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‘Capital of Terrorism’ Has Fallen; Reflections on Religion and the Use of Force

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 17 The use of force to compel conversion to any religion is not from God who seeks

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Deadly Combo: Caffeine, Violent TV or Video Games & Prescription Drugs, Says MD

“The confused systems of our society are suicidal, but we don’t have to participate..” Dr. Richard Ruhling Mixing gateway drugs

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Rx Drugs Make Medical Care the #1 Cause of Illness & Death – It Helps Symptoms but It’s Not Healthcare

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates Adverse Drug Reactions (properly prescribed and administered) have made medical care the leading

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Islam Identified in Daniel’s Vision “at the Time of the End”

“The vision is at the time of the end,” Daniel 8:17 Islam’s ram sacrifice (Al-Adha) that commemorates Genesis 22 is

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Did Satan Create Catholicism? Answering Newsweek’s Headline

“He who does not read has no advantage over he who cannot read.” The Bible is the only true book

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Pope Wants Change on Death Penalty – a Fulfillment of Prophecy?

“Babylon is fallen…come out of her, My people.” Revelation 18 addresses a confusion of false systems for government, education, healthcare

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The Fearful Consequences of Taking Innocent Life

True greatness is found in serving others, not slaying them…(Bible) Murder and terrorism began with the devil and will end

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