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MetaWear Announces the Launch of NFT 2.0 Collections Soon

MetaWear Announces the Launch of NFT 2.0 Collections Soon

February 13
00:00 2022 MetaWear Launches NFT 2.0 Cross Platform Digital Wearables Collections soon! When exactly is new technology needed? Or a new terminology? The answer is: ‘When the old term can no longer justify or describe the products and inventions we have just developed.

This is where MetaWear | Fashion for Metaverse | comes in.

Multiplatform wearables produced specifically for the Metaverse world are called NFT 2.0, not NFT.

These days, NFT is the talk of the town , with millions of dollars being traded as digital assets. NFT 2.0 is the next step for the industry itself. Smart contracts confirm ownership of digital products. But the products (NFT’s) we know right now are simple and mostly with no use case. You can not change them or add value to them. You can trade them, but most of the time, after your investment, your NFT turns into a static digital asset without any benefit or advantage.

People will notice what NFT 2.0 brings. Because they want more utility and customization options for their digital assets.

With products (NFT 2.0) that integrate all platforms. Even if you are a gamer, trader, investor or just a user, you will notice. For this reason, the ‘metaverse’ will need a wide variety of products and solutions. Like a bridge between the physical and the virtual world.

Fashion is one of the tools people use to express themselves, and it will be the same in the virtual world.

Features of NFT 1.0

NFT 1.0 is roughly trying out how the market might react to the idea of virtual asset ownership. Some great initiatives include the CryptoPunks and the Bored Ape Yacht Club. These NFT initiatives focused on developing particular virtual characters coined in the blockchain. The buyers of these NFTs are willing to spend money because they are proud to own virtual assets. These can be images, movies or texts. NFT1 brought us to the under properties.

– Immutability: NFTs cannot change themselves once they are created. All NFT transactions are linked to every other transaction like a continuous old record. Anyone can find out who owns how many virtual assets.

– Real ownership: blockchains can confirm ownership of any virtual asset. There is no room for dispute or forgery, unlike in the real, cruel world.

– Conditionality: smart contracts can create computerized invoices based primarily on positive conditions. For example, NFT artists can use a percentage of seed sales.

– A true creator economy: NFTs are based on decentralized technology. In this way, creators can make their personal innovative or economic decisions without bias. They no longer want to rely on a centralized platform.

What is NFT 2.0?

NFT 2.0 is the next evolutionary step for new NFT technology.

NFT 2.0 is ready to embed additional utilities and features into the NFT world. NFT 1.0 was mostly about static virtual assets. NFT 2.0 will add new capabilities to static virtual products. In short, NFT 2.0 is ready to create new markets for virtual goods with additional features.

Features of NFT 2.0

NFT 2.0 will allow customers to engage and play around with the virtual asset they have purchased or earned. In doing so, the virtual asset can be anything. Think of it this way. We had ‘phones’ that were ‘dumb’ communication devices. Now, all of a sudden, smartphones are able to leverage information in a significant way. NFT 2.0 is ready to develop ‘smart’ and meaningful NFTs. There are 4 key elements that we want to analyze

– Generativity: the potential to add algorithmic randomness to virtual assets. Users can choose the NFT that most appeals to them. Artificial intelligence can create personalization and emotional engagement for customers. This makes NFTs like a customer product especially popular with people.

– Compatibility: the ability to customize an asset or create a brand-new virtual asset. In the past, NFTs were best sold and offered on exchanges. Composability means they are versatile. You can draw on the skills of many NFTs. They can support many use cases and applications.

 – Interactivity: this property makes objects ‘smart’ and intelligent. Digital objects can accept input from customers and other sources. Based on the nature of the inputs, they are modified to match their modern state. Think of it as an NFT that evolves with time and information, just like a real person.

 – Experiential: because of the elements described above, NFTs draw on authentic consumer experiences. Think of collectible tickets as NFTs that provide additional benefits to the holder. Or creating NFTs based primarily on how a consumer interacts with the application. Gaming is already one of the many industries that need to leverage NFT 2.0.

When we talk about ‘Creating Cross Platform Digital Wearable Fashion in Metaverse’, one of our goals is to enable game developers, everyday users, the business world and the younger generation to create higher quality products such as character designs and wearable items with the help of NFT 2.0 features.

MetaWear Official Links

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